How God Crushed Pride, Fear, and Control to Raise Up a Strong, Courageous, and Powerful Woman of God

Someone told me that I need to write a book about my life or my property (which includes my divorced ex-husband and his girlfriend) needs to be a reality TV show. This wasn't a dear friend, just someone who frequents our property for business. She spoke it just hours after I asked God, "What project is next? Please give me wisdom and clear direction for what you want me to film in my new space, because it's almost ready and it's Yours... for whatever You want." That moment led to this more personal look into my story.

A Project for Your Freedom, Growth, Healing, and Legacy

I have a few working titles, including the one above, "Death of a Feminist", which risks rising up undue offense in you. I apologize for how it may be perceived but assure you I have no ill intent and encourage you to dive deeper into what I am saying about myself (and no one else) with that title.

I will warn you that some of the things I share in this resource may challenge your mind and belief systems, especially your Christian ones. I heard a pastor once say, 

"Sometimes God will offend the mind in order to prick the heart."

I've found this to be true in my life. The Lord isn't afraid to confront our vain perspectives or allow our right beliefs to be challenged. It is a key to personal freedom, and I believe it will prove to be incredibly important for all believers as our faith gets more and more challenged. You need to be grounded in truth and grace to be true LIGHT as global gaslighting, confusion, and pressure to be silent or ashamed about your faith journey increases.

This subscription is for you if:

*You are looking for answers to some of the hard questions in life

*You are feeling stuck and know God has more for you

*You have experienced pain, loss, rejection, or abuse

*You want to know God more and deeply desire His Presence and power in your life

What This Project Is:

A revealing of my life story in pieces: cancer, loss of my son, divorce, teenage pregnancy, persecution for my faith 

Short 5 minute videos that fit easily into your day

Practical application steps: Each daily video is followed by a little faith action step, to help you move into God's power and best

What This Project Is Not:

An ex, male, or person/group bashing fest: That pride is specifically what God has delivered me from. If you aren't ready to be challenged to love and forgive like Jesus (which will be easier as you see His love for you in my story) then don't subscribe.

A list of principles that will work for you: God is relational, wise, and all-knowing. My story is not a formula for your life. It is a chronicle of mine and what He has lovingly done in me. I share His heart and Biblical truth very freely which is the framework for every story, but only He knows your personal experiences, strongholds, strengths, and future. If you are looking for affirmation in your desires regardless of His, don't enroll. It you are looking for His best, subscribe in faith that He will use this to illuminate His direction for you personally. I'm believing that for you.


"Thank you for being so real. There is much freedom available to us as we grow in this." -Elise

"Very powerful! Thank you for sharing!" -Bridget

"Thank you for this wake up call!" -Lauren

A Keola® Fit & Fiery VIP Member Exclusive

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